Thursday, March 7, 2013

Focusing on the positive

Been in a funk and I need to focus on the positive. I'm hoping a change in perspective will help bring back a happier view in life.

3 things I'm thankful for :

1. Cooking has become fun again. It's a creative outlet again.
2. Getting back in touch with friends
3. New opportunities

3 things I'm looking forward to :
1. Dc united home opener
2. Marathon in a week
3. Heading to Pittsburgh to see friends

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thankful for:
1. My dogs, they can always cheer me up
2. Meaningful runs
3. This experiment helping me to keep perspective

Looking forward to:
1. Making hamburgers on the grill this weekend
2. Weekend soccer
3. Creating an interesting math scenario for class

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Catching up

I missed a few days, but I've been pretty busy.  On Friday, the wife and I saw the boss.  Yes, Mr. Bruce Springsteen himself at Nationals stadium.  This show can be summed up in the sentence I uttered to my wife when he walked off stage...."That was absurd."  He played for 4 hours.  With each song, I was waiting for that one or two songs that he'd phone in.  You know, the songs he's played for 30 plus years over and over again.  The man played his heart out.....on every single song.  His energy at 63 was amazingly unrelenting.  He is an amazing showman.  This is a man that will die on stage.  Later that night, circa 2 in the morning, the wife, some of her coworkers, and I sat on the DC sidewalk eating a extra large pizza.  At the time it was amazing....looking back on it, I'm not totally sure.

Saturday was spent mostly trying to recover from what the Boss had done to us the day before (or earlier that morning, depending on how you look at it).  It wasn't until 2 in the afternoon until we were able to pretend to be human beings.  We went to a friend's house for their birthday, and I left to play a soccer game and rejoined them at the birthday bash.  Yet another late evening.

Sunday was spent trying to get some school work done, and some cleaning around the house.  The wife was at work, so it was nice to have the house to myself.

Monday, I was just lazy.  In fact despite it only having been yesterday, I don't remember much about it, other than watching The Help, and my wife sobbing (due to the movie).

Thankful for:
1. First day of marathon training under my belt
2. The crockpot.  It makes cooking so easy.  Nice to come home and have dinner essentially ready.
3.  In the same vein, having soup to eat today.  It was perfect weather for it.
4.  Feeling more confident in my own teaching and my professional opinion

Looking forward to:
1. Getting my 6 marathon training miles this week
2. Running a marathon in March
3. Hopefully getting a chance to go out to a bar to watch the DC United game.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rough day

Today was a truely rough day at work. Things started to go bad at 8 and the hits kept on coming from there. So today was a bit of struggle to develop a list but here it goes.

Thankful for:
1. My supportive wife
2. The ability to cook a good meal in little time
3. 2 bottles of red wine

Looking forward to:
1. Springsteen is tomorrow
2. A better day tomorrow
3. The weekend

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A skipped post is a sign of productivity....seriously

I missed yesterday, but I'm really okay with that.  Despite not writing this thing (or perhaps that is my evidence) I was incredibly productive yesterday. I had a list of 5 or 6 things I needed to get done before I left school yesterday and I was able to finish them all in under an hour.  I came home and completed several other tasks before taking in the US game.  By the end of the game, I was exhausted and it was time for bed. The productivity carried over into today, but by 10 I was done being productive.  I sat tooled around in the interweb for a bit, before sitting down to write this.

I know I'm not very far along into this little experiment, but I can say that it feels good to end the day contemplating all of the good things of the day.  At the very least it helps me fall asleep.  On to the list

Thankful for:
1.  Not puking on my run.  I know seems like a strange thing to be thankful for, but puking isn't fun.  The wife and I made homemade pizza tonight on the grill.  Apparently we made the garlic parm sauce a little to rich and creamy, because I had to stop a few times to keep it from coming up on the run.  Despite all of the possible puking, I was really happy to get a run in this evening.
2. That I have been really productive the last 2 days
3. The US got all three points against Jamaica.  It would have made for a very very stressful 2 games in October otherwise.  At this point they are at least in the drivers seat.

Looking forward to:
1.  Have I mentioned I'm going to see the Boss on Friday.  It's going to be frickin' awesome.
2.  The wife works on Sunday, this will allow me to sit my fat ass on the couch and watch Redzone for most for the afternoon.  If it's a nice day, I'll earn my time on the couch by going for a ride.  Regardless I'm going to take advantage of the time I'm allowed to watch that channel.
3.  My Saturday soccer game

Monday, September 10, 2012

Thankful for:
1. Getting the first paper under my belt
2. The joy of my dogs
3. A brief nap today

Looking forward to:
1. The US Jamaica game
2. Bruce Springsteen concert Friday
3. The next dinner club event.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thankful fo
1. Amazing friends
2. Good food
3. Good drinks

Looking forward to :
1. The next get together
2. Bruce Springsteen concert
.3. The next good run